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Monday, January 28, 2013

My Freakin Awesome InstagrAmazing Weekend

Welcome back to the best part of Monday:
mine and Karla's instagramazing weekend linkup.

If you'd like to link-up, please be sure to:

1. Follow the host- Karla @ Forever Newly Wedded and the co-host- Nicole @ Grub n Marriage.
2. Put the link up button somewhere in your post or on your blog so that it links back to both of us... and don't forget to add your link when you're done :)

3. Make sure to go and visit other blogs from the link up.

4. Have Fun!! This is about showcasing your weekend, good, bad, or ugly! 

This weekend was a great way to end my week long vacation.
The only downside is that I have to go back to work.
And even though in two weeks I am leaving,
it's still super hard to come back after having such a relaxing break.

This weekend was Susie filled. She's just so cuddly.
If you follow me on instagram you also saw that I dognapped my baby for a day.
She doesn't like the car,
but we did get to cuddle at home :)
Friday also consisted of me officially signing and enrolling at Riccis.
It's really really happening and I couldn't be anymore excited.
I can't wait for that dress for Costa Rica aanndd school!! 
It's so beautiful!

1.) I love when my sissy does my makeup. She's ssoo great at it! She's teaching me slowly but surely.
2.) My sissy and I at Mohegan Sun (a casino and CT)
3.) Irish car bombs- I didn't take one cause they are too many calories
4.) My baby and I

1.) In Sephora we came across these lovely blushes. Hhmm I'll take a super orgasm please.
2. & 3.) My sister, Meg, and I 
4.) She finally got to live out her dream of dancing 'on stage' in a club




  1. Jealous of your weekend! And you makeup looked FAB.

  2. Irish carbombs - YUCK! That would be my 21st regret ;)
